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o livro de thoth o tarot aleister crowley pdf download - Download eBook O Livro De Thoth O Tarot Aleister Crowley - PDF, TXT, ePub, PDB, RTF and other formats online. Crowley's The Book TAROT: A Complete Course in Practical Ceremonial Magick is a cornerstone of modern Hermetic Qabalah and one of the greatest works on the subject. This book has been translated into English from the original French text by Aleister Crowley and George Cecil Jones. It includes all of his previously published material on magick for this book as well as additional material not found in any other edition. This edition includes comments and notes by A.E. Waite and Llewellyn Cooke, as well as a separate index of all the material in the book.Although this translation is an excellent one, Aleister Crowley's original text on the subject of The Book TAROT is superior by far. In fact, there are some things that even this translation leaves out but those things are only important to a truly serious student of Qabalah. The difference between a first-grade translation and a first-rate translation is subtle scenes, scenes with complex symbolism and scenes that make one think deeply on what one reads. For example, in this edition, Crowley's original text refers to the word ‘Thoth’. (Thoth is the Egyptian God of Magick.) This translation leaves out the fact that this word is actually spelt ‘Thaut’. The word ‘Thaut’ means ‘That which arises.’ So in other words, Aleister Crowley intended us to know that the God of Magick (The Sephira Tiphereth) is that which arises in Nature (Sephira Binah). This is one example of symbolism that gets lost in translation, but not so with Aleister Crowley's original text. Reading this book in its original text exposes us to much more complex ideas, deeper symbolism and philosophic issues that are important because it makes us think deeply about the true meaning of life. For example, in Crowley's original book, he explains that there are 7 sephiroth in the Tree of Life. He then explains that each of these 7 sephiroth have 3 names. So therefore, there are 21 sephiroth in total. But Aleister Crowley also gives us the exact names of each one too, so we can refer to them in our own magickal work. These 21 sephiroth have 3 different aspects to them too because they exist in 3 different realms. Sephiroth 1–10 exists in the realm of Spirit. Sephiroth 11–19 exists in the realm of Matter. Sephiroth 20–32 exists in the realm of Illusion. So therefore, there are 36 sephiroth that exist in this Tree of Life. To become a Master Magickian, one must know all 36 sephiroth completely, their names and their attributes. Another example is when Crowley explains his famous ‘Do What Thou Wilt’ comment. He tells us that this means ‘Do what you want, but do it with love’ or ‘Do what you want as much as possible because your true Will is what you want to do anyway’. cfa1e77820